CA Dillon
This champion performance stallion has proven himself in both the show ring and the breeding shed. His gene pool represents the undisputed champions of our time: *Bask++, Comet, *Sambor, *Etiw, and Tsatyr.
Dillon is an AHA Sweepstakes nominated sire.
We invite your inquiries about CA Dillon and his offspring.
CA Dillon-2011 USEF Half-Arabian Leading Sires-Fourth place in the country out of 114 stallions listed (all breeds) with 456 points.
1993 Region XVI Futurities Champion in performance and halter.
1994 Buckeye First Place Arabian English Pleasure Junior Horse Stallions.
1995 Region XVI Champion Country English Pleasure Junior Horse.
1995 Eastern Arabian Horse Show Champion English Pleasure Junior Horse
1997 AHANE Most Classic Arabian Stallion
1997 East Coast Championship Show Champion PB Native Costume
2003 Phoenix Arabian Sport Horse Show-Arabian Horse Stallions ATH-1st place (-8- for “dramatic trot, elastic, good cadence and engagement.”)
Driving & Liberty Champion at Numerous Class A Shows

2011 SHN Champion and Reserve Champion CA Cartier and CA Davign with new owners, Jennifer Roberts and Judy Coats.
CA Anastazia+ is an AHA Legion of Honor recipient. In addition to many wins in dressage at the Arabian shows, Anna also competed successfully in the open circuit, with high scores in 70%. “Anna” also scored a 78.6% in Sport Horse in Hand at a Class A recognized AHA show.
New owner, Patricia Slater, has had much success with CA Anastazia: 2014 U.S. Arabian and Half Arabian National Championship Show-Top Ten in English Arabian Trail ATR. 2014 USEF Horse of the Year Region 16-multiple awards in both dressage and trail. Reserve Champion Arabian English trail.
CA Garimond+/ is an AHA Legion of Supreme Honor recipient having earned his points in dressage and Sport Horse Under Saddle.
CA Garimond+/ is a purebred Arabian.